Feeling overwhelmed

Ok, so I started a blog because let’s face it, I have a lot to say and wanted to have a venue to say it. But, where should I start since I’m just a beginner?  The main idea is to pass along information on cooking as well as other information I find interesting along the way.  Since the blog is supposed to be about food, it would make sense to include food porn (great looking food pictures, get your mind out of gutter people!) and recipes to go along with those pictures. Again I ask where do I start?

You see, In order for me to be really good at what I do, I’m a firm believer in taking classes or reading up.  So I started reading the many “how to” blogs out there and reading books.  I’m still lost in the proverbial internet space about “what to do and how to do it”.

But wait there’s more.

Well since I mentioned pictures, I need to learn about photography in general, then about food photography AND food styling. Get this, my husband has been the one taking my pictures off the camera to give me the ability to put them on the posts, because of my computer being so old,  I do not have the capability of getting the pictures on my computer or the ability to edit as I need them.  There have been so many pictures I want to share with you all but I have been unable to do it.  So a new computer is needed.  Do I start there?

Since it is a blog, I really need to learn about the actual function of the blogging part itself; such as a platform, like WordPress and all it has to offer.  No platform, no blog, makes sense.  OK, so I taught myself the “basics”.  Believe me there is definitely more that I need to know. So more education on the actual blogging part itself is needed.  To go along with this I need to learn about tweaking my blog to reflect my “style”; something like decorating.  Hmmm, then there is more education on the tweaking part too.  Do I start there?

Then I need to learn about the subject matter of how to blog, more so, how to blog about food.  I started reading “Mommy Blogging” and “Food Blogging for Dummies”.   Wow there was a lot of information.  Do I start there?

Since the blog is about food, I need to do recipe development, because I can’t keep re-posting recipes from someone else.  So I need to take time to do recipes.  Do I start there in order to get a collection together?

As you can see, I’ve become a little overwhelmed.  I have had a lot going on in my life before.  Being a full time working mom, going to school, running a side business and raising a child who is now going off to college.  But I can honestly say that I have never felt this overwhelmed before.

Some people might say, “Why are you doing this to yourself?”  Well, for a couple of reasons.  One most important reason, I think once I get my act together I will really enjoy blogging.  Also, during a conversation I had with my daughter, I asked her “what was I going to do with myself once she went off to college”.  Her response was “get a life”.  So I guess another reason to do this blog is it will be something great to keep me sane once my daughter leaves for college and it’s only me, my husband and my mother in-law in the house (OMG!). It will be part of my “new life” and maybe, just maybe a great way for my daughter to have a connection to home (Hey I’m allowed to dream, right?).

Well, with all this overwhelming information I need to get through, I think the first thing to do is to get a new laptop. Hubby says I can’t take any on line courses until I get the darn thing.  So, there you go, first step, Computer.  I found a couple of really great online courses on WordPress through a local Adult Ed class, so once I get the laptop, I will sign up for class.  WordPress class, check!  New laptop, photography, cooking and printing programs loaded. Check!

So I have three things checked off.  Now what?

I would appreciate any help in the blogging situation.  Any help at all.  Really…. Help!

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